Dundu for san sebastian christmas 2022
Our giant puppet of light, visited San Sebastian to inaugurate the beginning of Christmas and the lighting of lights, again in 2023, after being named European Christmas capital after the success of our Muse of Moons the previous year. A very delicate show in which Dundu moved and glided smoothly along the Maria Cristina Bridge to the rhythm of the music. He also interacted with the audience throughout. He was part of it when the fireworks were launched, contemplating, as one more, the fleeting lights in the sky. Dundu baby also performed, the smaller and more tender version of this creature, handled by a team of professional puppeteers, who are invisible to the public and who give life and personality to the doll.

Otro año más, con motivo de la inauguración de la Navidad en San Sebastián, llevamos un show mágico.
Dundu y Baby Dundu recorrieron el puente de María Cristina y sus aledaños, mezclándose entre el público y creando una atmósfera mágica gracias a su apariencia brillante y retro iluminada.
Cliente: Fomento San Sebastián