which smoke or fog machine do i choose?

When we talk about special effects machines that generate smoke or fog, there are certain technical differences that we must know how to recognize, because depending on this, the result of the effect will be more or less dense, lasting, etc...
We can divide them into 3 classes:
HAZER: they do not have a heater, but a compressor to generate the smoke effect. They use a specially formulated liquid based on water and glycol.
FAZE: they have a heater to temper the consumable and dispense it as vapor through an internal fan. Without compressor. They use water-based consumables. The fog is somewhat denser than those generated by hazer smoke machines.
FOG MACHINE: they have a heater that disperses the smoke in the same way as the faze machines. They do not have a compressor or internal fan. The difference with respect to these, is that the smoke generated is emitted through a spiral, which makes the smoke come out as it evaporates. The smoke effect is denser and longer lasting.
You can find the perfect smoke machine for your party, event, wedding... here.