Pixmob and special effects at Disney's 100th Anniversary Gala
Paraddax |
lunes 6 de noviembre de 2023
| Wow effect, Specialfx, POMPAS, PIXMOB, Paraddax, Musical, Laser show, LOW SMOKE, Helium Balloons, Gala, FX, FIRE, Event, Show, Special effects, Disney, Anniveresary

Last September 30th Mediapro counted on us to add magic to Disney's 100th Anniversary at the Teatro Real, Madrid.
It was celebrated with a solidarity Musical Gala where the most iconic songs were played, and our special effects accompanied throughout the magnificent day.
Each attendee received a Pixmob bracelet screen-printed with the logo that Disney has chosen to celebrate its centenary.
During the concert, the wristbands were synchronized with the music, bringing light to the show.
Low smoke, sparks, soap bubbles, balloons and smoke columns entertained the more than 1700 attendees during the day.
15 Latex balloons in different colors