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Scent marketing: the power of the senses

Scent marketing: the power of the senses

When we review the different marketing strategies we can use to carry out an effective campaign, action or event, we tend to resort to the same old mechanisms.

But what if we could surprise our audience with an emotional reaction?

The senses are increasingly proving to be a powerful resource with which to attract attention and attract our customers. Sight and hearing are the senses most accustomed to being captured through screens, music, etc... But what about smell? Aromas are an excellent way to connect directly with emotions , memories or people's tastes. We have scent machines capable of reproducing real fragrances in an environment , reminding us, for example, of a meadow of freshly cut grass, wet earth, coffee, incense... Paraddax We have a very extensive catalog where you can choose between very diverse and very effective scents to be used in an event, conference or concert. Can you imagine that your favorite artist is singing about the smell of roses and you start to perceive its aroma as if you were in a garden?

What we can achieve with this is to fix a memory in a very perennial way in our memory, because when we live special moments linked to a sense, these are recorded more intensely in our mind.

Who does not remember the smell of grandma's stew or the sea at the vacation home? Imagine being able to immediately recognize a pleasant aroma that everyone likes, such as the smell of coffee, freshly baked bread or caramel? Paraddax A great advantage when renting or buying our scent machines, is their portability and the ability to be programmed to operate for a specific time and with a specific intensity. Most of them have wireless connection via WIFI for easy remote operation. If you are interested in renting scent machines for a booth or other type of event, we recommend you to review our catalog.

Take advantage and review everything we can offer you in special effects!!! You will see that you can combine very effectively the power and effect of several of our products, both in rental and purchase.

In this case, since we are talking about fragrances, how about incorporating our air blowers to help disperse the scent in a space?
